Fairness in repeated uses of AI systems

Jakub Marecek delivers a half-day tutorial T08 (Fairness in the sharing economy and stochastic models for MAS) at the 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, […]

Challenges in the regulation of AI

There has been a considerable effort aimed at regulation of AI systems. In the European Union, DG Connect has spearheaded the AI Act, but its implementation is yet to be […]

AI Act: A User’s Guide in Three Easy Steps

Following the release of the Corrigendum to the AI Act on April 19th, 2024, it seems feasible to suggest the “next steps” for businesses, SME or otherwise. Notice that these […]

AutoFair explains the AI Act

On Thursday, June 14th, the European Parliament approved 499:28 its proposal for a regulation known as the Artificial Intelligence Act (“Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying […]

Present-best results on the COMPAS dataset

Recent publication of the Autofair project proposes a fairness-aware mechanism for forecasting of time-series. When applied to estimating risk of reoffending, this has produced the present-best results on a dataset […]